1. Infoed Grants Management Software System
InfoEd Proposal Development
InfoEd is the University’s tool for proposal review and approval routing, funding opportunities, proposal development, tracking and reporting.
2. InfoEd Resources | College of Science | University of Nevada, Reno
Once you've logged into InfoEd, on the left side of the screen under “Sponsored Projects” click “Locate My Records” and select the appropriate proposal by ...
Approving a proposal in InfoEd has multiple steps. Please follow these instructions to make sure your approval is recorded.
3. Service - InfoEd - TeamDynamix
Oct 20, 2020 · Electronic grants management system used for grant search and proposal development, review, and approval.
Technical support information for InfoEd users.
4. InfoEd Resources | College of Education and Human Development
Grant Resources. Instructions for proposal development in InfoEd. Once you have a draft of your proposal document, a completed budget spreadsheet, ...
Approving a proposal in InfoEd has multiple steps. Please follow these instructions to make sure your approval is recorded.
5. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Instructions | Sponsored Projects
Go to the InfoEd website; Log on using your UNR Net ID and password; If you see a spinning wheel icon telling you to wait while something loads, ...
Instructions for entering and updating your conflict of interest disclosures through InfoEd. This process is required for all University employees.
6. Funding Resources | Sponsored Projects | University of Nevada, Reno
The University of Nevada, Reno provides the following grant-finding resources: InfoEd SPIN: The world's largest online funding opportunity database with a ...
Resources for finding funding, internal grant writing and research proposal resources, agency specific information, and additional information sources for grant funding.
7. Training | Sponsored Projects | University of Nevada, Reno
InfoEd grants management software system: In-person and online training available for proposal development (including for clinical trials), proposal approval ...
A list of training required for faculty, staff, students, postdoctoral scholars and volunteers engaged in planning and/or conducting research and other sponsored project activities.
8. NSF Fastlane | Sponsored Projects - University of Nevada, Reno
You will land on the From Preparation screen where you can then prepare your proposal. Upload FastLane application to InfoEd and route for internal approval and ...
Instructions for setting up FastLane – the National Science Foundation's (NSF) online, user-friendly proposal creation and submission system for researchers.
9. Grants.Gov Workspace | Sponsored Projects - University of Nevada, Reno
Complete the Application Filing Name field and click Create Workspace. Upload Workspace application to InfoEd and route for internal approval and submission.
Instructions for setting up Workspace through Grants.gov – an online environment to collaboratively complete and submit federal grant applications.
10. Proposal Routing and Approval | Sponsored Projects
Proposal entry and routing process. The University utilizes electronic software system, InfoEd, as a repository for sponsored project proposals. All proposals ...
All project proposals must be reviewed by Sponsored Projects prior to submittal to the sponsor. A minimum of five days prior to the submission deadline is required for a complete review and assistance with the process.
11. Post-award - Sponsored Projects - University of Nevada, Reno
Award negotiation and acceptance. All sponsored project awards are issued to the Board of Regents, NSHE, on behalf of the University of Nevada, Reno as the ...
Award review and negotiation, authorized signature authority information, account setup, project management and reporting best practices.
12. University of Nevada, Reno selects InfoEd Global Enterprise Software
May 3, 2013 · University of Nevada, Reno plans to implement the InfoEd Global System with the goal of streamlining research program support. ALBANY, New York ...
For Immediate Release:
13. InfoEd Global
100% Automate institutional research compliance processs, search, management & administration with Research Administration Software - infoEd.
14. Compensated Outside Activities: Instructions for Submitting Requests
This prior notification and approval process is completed in InfoEd. Go to the InfoEd website. Log on using your UNR Net ID and password. Click on "External ...
Instructions for submitting a request for compensated outside activities through InfoEd.
15. Pre-award | Sponsored Projects | University of Nevada, Reno
Tools. InfoEd Grants Management Software. Use our grants management system to find funding and for proposal development, approval, tracking, and ...
Learn about the roles and responsibilities of the Sponsored Projects pre-award team for proposal preparation and submission.
16. Sponsored Projects - University of Nevada, Reno
InfoEd Global logo. InfoEd. InfoEd, the University's grant management software, is utilized for functions such as finding funding; proposal development ...
Providing research administration services to sponsored project investigators and their support staff.
17. Guidelines and Submission Resources | Sponsored Projects
InfoEd Grants Management System · Grants.gov Workspace · NSF FastLane · NIH ASSIST ... spadmin@unr.edu. Phone: (775) 784-4040 | Fax: (775) 784-6680. University of ...
Information on proposal submission including deadlines for pre-award review and a quick reference guide for proposal preparation.
18. OIT Support Center Software Index A-Z - TeamDynamix
Refer to Sponsored Projects for access information, Contact your pre-award research administrator or call the InfoEd ... TicketsWest (UNR Athletics), Business ...
OIT Support Center